Illustrator: Samantha French
the original social advocacy engine
“Primal Branding is my secret weapon!”
Rachel Lightfoot
former VP Google
“Primal Branding helped us take our purpose-driven enterprise and articulate our stories so that we are now recognized, global and growing.”
David Reiling
CEO Sunrise Banks
The most responsible bank in the world
Human beings are already hard-wired to connect. How do we get them to connect with you?
We have abandoned traditional marketing by rote to create a clearer, more constructive way to build Brands. By defining the pattern behind community building that has existed for tens of thousands of years, we help to systematically build audiences, customers and the Word Of Mouth that is at the root of your success. Primal Branding® is systematic, definitive, predictive and helps us build Brand communities around people, places and things. Globally. People not only believe you, they believe in you.
Primal Branding looks at brands as belief systems. Once you create a belief system, you attract others who share your beliefs. Our proprietary construct, outlined in our pioneering book “Primal Branding” (Simon & Schuster, 2006) creates a Strategic Brand Narrative that helps to build audiences, sales, customers and value. We also help you integrate omnichannel content streams posted across social, digital and traditional media. This helps coordinate your design partners, DTC performance marketing and retail efforts for intentional innovation and success online, IRL and in the metaverse. This is transformational. You are no longer ‘marketing,’ you’re just life. And your “Brand” comes for free.
“Primal Branding is a new methodology that demystifies brand. It strips away all the bullshit. Thank you!”
Felicia Stingone
former client at 92Y currently Chief Brand Officer S’well
“Primal Branding creates consistency with your message. Which is huge.”
Zeke Muwaswes
Former Head of Brand Development, Twitter
Head of creative and merch G-Eazy
Co-Founder at FlowerShop*
“Great brands that have stood the test of time stick to Primal Code. Honing that and turning that into one of your best systems—that helps you create iconic songs or brands that last the test of time. That’s what content is. Content is art.”
Daouda Leonard
Founder/CEO CreateSafe
Billboard Change Agents 2021
“The home run is Primal Branding.”
Jon Bond
CEO Signal Hill Acquisition
One of the the advertising and marketing industry’s foremost entrepreneurs & thought leaders, the OG of disruptive marketing.
People don’t want to hear what you have to say about yourself, they want to hear what others say about you. (To hear what people are saying about Primal Branding, please scroll up or down.) We rip open the curtain about what “Branding” means and how to design a Brand communications ecosystem across social, digital and traditional media. We don’t talk about project successes online, but we can share this: all of our projects come to us because happy clients introduce us to other happy clients. We have launched new products and services and re-engineered existing Brands since 2002. Nearly everyone who has worked with us either has been promoted or moved on to a better situation. Maybe you’re next?
Your biggest problem as a startup isn’t about finding a big idea, getting funding, or discovering a great workspace. Your problem is that Nobody cares. Nobody cares if you have a better idea. Nobody cares if your product (or service) is better. Nobody cares if you belly flop. And that’s not their fault. It’s your fault. From Day 1 your job is to help people care: build stories that take your fresh, unbelievable new idea into something that is not only believable but makes people want to leap in. We help entrepreneurs do that all the time in a quick process that takes hours and days, not months. So that you can keep building. Forward.
“Primal Branding” is required reading at YouTube because it systematically outlines how to create a an authentic personal brand. This is no different for Grimes or Jake Paul than it is for you. It all begins with seven pieces of Primal Code strung into a narrative spread across social, digital and traditional media. Boom. Figuring out exactly how to do that is where we come in. Ask how.
Gathering people in cities and towns is also a function of Branding. There are reasons why people choose to live in Brooklyn rather than Manhattan—or pick up and move to Silver Lake, California. Not all of it has to do with real estate prices. Placemaking today is about creating narratives that hit both the rational and emotional parts of our brain that helps things to “make sense.” If you make more sense than someplace else, guess where we’re going?
It’s not enough that customers enjoy the products we make. Today, it’s just as important that we enjoy making them. The Great Resignation is proof positive that leaders must ask if their people actually believe in what they are doing? Employees who do not understand their purpose within the organization will never be motivated, efficient, or highly productive. Luckily, our first project using Primal Branding was not for a new product, but to help rebuild culture inside a tech firm. A few weeks later we were walking down their hallway and an employee stopped. “That was great what you did,” she said. “It’s better here now.” Primal Code® provides leaders both the tools and the mindset to manage the intangibles of their organization—the ways people think, feel, act and motivate themselves to success.
Today even nonprofits and dot orgs live in a competitive environment, where differentiation and positioning are crucial. We love working purpose-driven people and building meaningful stories doesn’t always require money. But it does require constructive strategic thinking. Proof? Working with the Naboisho Conservancy in Kenya, we won the Gold Award for Ecotourism in Africa in 2016. With zero dollars for a marketing budget. Let us tell you how.
Our Primal.Dig is the first step in building your Brand. Whether your are launching a new product, refitting an existing product to match a new consumer or expanding into a new geography, we first deconstruct your Brand using Primal Code, Participants (there are no bystanders) learn to implement our systematic process to strategically build a Brand from scratch. We pull your Brand apart, then put it back together in real time to form a defined narrative that attracts new and existing audiences. Each Primal.Dig is personalized to your opportunity and outcomes are aligned to your objectives, but usually include a unified Strategic Brand Narrative, defined points of differentiation, agreed upon values, future forward vision and the foundations for an expanding internal culture.
It’s worth repeating that people don’t care what you have to say about yourself, they only care about what others have to say about you. (Over 80% of people believe that what the company has to say is probably a lie.) In Primal.X sessions, we recruit Users and customers to help us build, tear apart, rebuild and finally validate our direction in real time. This helps define NPD concepts and steer VOC (Voice Of Consumer) articulation in all communications. We have conducted these sessions in nerve centers like New York City, Paris, Tokyo, Shanghai, Buenos Aires, Moscow, Mumbai and Los Angeles. Ask for a proposal.
If you believe, you should belong. We certify people in strategy, social and digital media and even upgrade traditional advertisers. Primal.Certification firestarters are held inside companies and in cities around the world several times a year. Please ask.
Primal.Live events are special occasions where ‘Primals’ get together to share out new activations, new people, new places. Our first Primal.Live NeueHouse was held at the NeueHouse work space in Manhattan, 2017 and people came from Paris, Mexico, and from all over the U.S. Primal.Live LAX 2018 was in Venice, California and attended by people from Google, YouTube, Tesla, goop, music and entertainment producers, and other friends. During 2020, Covid-19 kept everyone at a safe distance, but we held online events in Shanghai, Johannesburg, Dusseldorf, Juarez and elsewhere. Whew. (No events planned yet for 2022, but who knows.) Alert us if you’d like us to host an event in your area, or just sign up on our url. We promise not to spam you.